Sunday, 11 May 2014

War Attacks Strats x2

Hey guys just a couple of pointer when it comes to attacking on clan wars.
two strategys that work really well.

1. HOGS. even level 1 hogs x30 4 wiz rest archers. Spells: 2 heal 1 rage

2. Dragons. x10 with cc of balloons Spells: 2 heal 1 rage

1. What I did with this one was draw out his CC with a archer then, took his cc out which was HOGS?! with my wizards they work really well.
then took his barbking out and released the hogs!!! they destroyed the base.

Tips for hogs attacks are use two heal spells for townhall 7/8 or 3 if they are townhall 9!.
and when putting the heal spell put it ahead of the hogs, and not ontop of them where they are. they move too fast for that to be affective.

Matt used the same to kill this guy 100%  as long as you are using at 25+ hogs its all good.

2. Looks like angelo goes for drag only strat... and he deploys 3-4 dragons next to the clan castle and used rage spell to kill their dragon from the clan castle.
then deploys the rest of the dragons on the other side of the bas and then also deploys his CC which was balloons level 6. and again uses rage on the remaining dragons and heal.
GOOD ATTACK... try for yourself guys expensive attack though...
very similar fashion UUUU did the same and smashed this base. Well done.

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