Monday, 9 June 2014

War Bases, or war fails!

Ok im going to write about war bases. And how they should be setup only because I've been looking at our some what static bases, that keep getting slammed on clan wars.

What is most important on the design?!
Clan castle absolute middle of the base there are the hardest bases to break and win stars on.
Clan castle in the absolute center. Middle! Midriff!

Next to the perfectly placed clan castle is. Barb king and archer queen!
Next to them is preferably your townhall. Of which will be surrounded by defences and walls etc.

These are the best pointers i can give you as long as these are in The dead center of the base not much else matters.

Apart from everything !!!! So this game has so much strategy are we just aren't doing it.

Ok in the perfect scenario teslas should be together. Two by two.
Big bombs together two by two.
In alternating corners on your base or areas in between other defences.
All jump pads and all small bombs near your townhall. Yes this sounds strange but if they hog you its the last thing generally they hit and wont get three stars.!
Aird bombs etc near... wait for it the air d!!! Doesn't make sense except it does ! The more dps on flying units the better and all in quick succession.

Mortars spread in a triangle
Air d also in a triangle.
Wizard towers in a square for townhall 9+. Townhall 8 in a triangle of each other.
Then alternating cannons and archer towers around the base.
You would ultimately have a triangle with some rough edges.

Look no one is perfect but this is just some hints for helping us and yourself of guaranteeing that loot for wars !

Thanks for reading and clash on.

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